Using Forwarding Rules with Mailosaur

Emails beginning a test due to come code being run

Filter out unwanted emails

Only see the emails in your inbox that matter to you or your team by setting up your own unique forwarding rules. Automatically filter out emails sent to/from certain email addresses, or emails that have subjects containing certain words.

Emails being routed to people or deleted as required

Alert your team of emails that matter

Important emails never go under the radar when you use forwarding rules with Mailosaur. Be sure that your team only receives emails that are relevant to them, for a more efficient working environment.

A man receiving an alert

Never accidentally send test emails to customers

With automatic forwarding rules, you can ensure that test emails never leave your testing environment or end up in the wrong hands. Not only does this ensure your brand integrity is never compromised, but it also saves you from having to send out follow up “oops” emails.

Emails being routed through Mailosaur in development and staging, and directly to customers in production

Automatically send emails to other systems

View and interact with emails in your own, personal email client, instead of solely in the Mailosaur Dashboard, by setting up a forwarding rule to automatically send emails elsewhere.

An email integrating with other systems